10¹= 10 = ten
10² = 100 = Hundred |
10³ = 1000 = Thousand |
10⁴ = 10000 = Ten Thousand |
10⁵ = 100000 = One lakh(Hundred Thousand) |
10⁶ = 1000000= Ten lakhs (or) million |
10⁹ = Billion |
10¹² = Trillion |
10¹⁰⁰ = One googol |
10⁵³ = Thallakhanam |
10⁵² = Mahasamdram |
10¹⁴⁰ = Asamkheya |
Even numbers : A number is even if it is divisible by 2.
Exampe : 2,4,6,8..........
Odd numbers : A number is odd if it is not divisible by 2. Example :1,3,5,7,......
Prime numbers : A number isprime if it is not the product of two numbers other than it self and one.
Exampe : 2,3,5,7,..........
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